What do you get the man who already has a closet full of ties he ignores for that brown and red one from 2004?
Father’s Day is just around the corner, which means we must ask ourselves an age old question: what do you get the man who already has dozens of novelty boxers and a closet full of ties he ignores in favor of that brown and red one from 2004?
It’s a tricky one to answer, but this year we’ve got a great solution for you: Infinite Objects. Get ready for some pro-tips on how to make an amazing video print with home video along with pointers on where to find some great free videos.

For those of you who want to get your hands digitally dirty, we have a few suggestions. Remember that this print will play on loop forever, so make sure it’s a good one! Home video is probably your best bet, but if someone accidentally happened to delete the recording of your younger sibling’s Zoom graduation, we have you covered.
- A wonderful repository of digital media, Archive.org has tons of classic films like Night of the Living Dead or Charlie Chaplin’s The Vagabond that can be used for free.
- Or you could find some beautiful footage captured by NASA to sit on your dad’s desk; as long as you don’t show NASA’s logo, their footage is free for public use.
- Other sites like Beachfront B-Roll and Pixabay are also great resources for finding compelling imagery.

If you’re not sure that your less-than-tech-wizard dad will go for something like an Infinite Object, rest assured. We’ve made the set-up as simple as possible, just pick it up, put it down, and plug it in. There are no updates, no connectivity, and no fiddly little buttons.
And if you’re looking for something extra-special, we also offer a wide range of editioned video art objects that dads everywhere will love.
Lastly, for the 21st century DIY Dad, we now offer Infinite Objects gift cards–specific enough to show you put thought into it, and open ended enough to make sure he’ll get something he loves.

Once you’ve found your footage (or even a still image), head on over to infiniteobjects.com and bring it to life!
Be sure to order your Father's Day gift before June 14th to get it in time!