How to get the most out of your Infinite Object

Infinite Objects make cherishing your favorite moving memories as easy as possible. But how long can that memory be? And what if it goes over the 1gb size limit in our creator tool? With this article we’ll be covering how to get the most out of your Infinite Object to make sure you can upload all of your skateboarding dog clips, and keep them looking sharp in the process. 

Video of Infinite Object displaying relaxing ocean scene


Infinite Objects can store up to 24 hours of video, as long as the file is less than 1gb. Typically, the longer the video, the bigger the file, but with some handy tricks you can make any long video take up a lot less room. So let’s get started! 

Most video we shoot these days is at 1080p, or high definition. On average, 1gb of 1080 footage lasts around half an hour, but with video compression tools we can make that lone gigabyte last way longer without sacrificing much quality.

If you’re on a Mac, you have a couple options. Quicktime is the default video player, and it lets you scale down your video just by clicking File > Export as… > and then  selecting your desired quality. 720p should be small enough, and as you can see the difference is almost invisible.

The original 1080 video is on the left, and the re-sized 720 is on the right, going from 2gb (2,000mb) to 490mb.

Movie Maker on Windows and iMovie on Mac are also both free and offer more control over the final video size when you go to export. If you’re a little more tech savvy, or just don’t want to download a full-fledged video editing app, Handbrake is another great free option for any platform.

For more inspiration, be sure to check out our post on turning a single photo into an infinitely looping video. And for additional info or help creating the perfect Infinite Object, reach out to us at, or DM us on Instagram @infiniteobjects, we’d love to hear from you.